The Eclipse Self-Instructor for 5 string banjo

How to tune the Banjo.

After the Banjo has been tuned as above the open strings should read as follows:

-Banjo Pitch-pipes, set of five joined together can be obtai?ied from the publisher of this

The Barre'.
The Barre is made by placing the first finger of the left hand across two or more strings at the same fret, the remaining fingers being left free to stop the strings as required.

The Tremolo.
This movement is executed with the first finger of the right hand, which oscil­lates very rapidly over the string or strings intended to be struck, causing a con­tinuous trill.
Sustained notes are played in this way and some melodies can be played tremo­lo, whilst the thumb at the same time plays an accompaniment upon the strings not in use for the melody, lending a beautiful effect.
In playing tremolo the third finger should be rested on the head of the banjo in­stead of the fourth.


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