In the following-Scale,-which is called the Scale of C Major or Natural Scale,because there are no sharps or flats in it,it will be observed that the halftones occur between the 3rd and 4th and 7th and 8th degrees of the Scale.

Every Major Scale, no matter on what note started, is so formed; hence the necessity of sharps and flats. Every Major Scale has its Relative Minor, which is found one third below the Major.

SCALE OF C MAJOR. SCALE OF A MINOR,(Relative of c Major.)
Ascending . Ascending.

In Minor Scales, in ascending, the half tones occur between the second and third, and seventh and eighth-degrees of the scale; in descending, between the fifth and sixth, and second and third.
The Minor Scale always bears the same signature as Its Relative Major Scale,and the difference in its intervals is made by substituting extra sharps or naturals,instead of writingthem at the signature.

The Chromatic Scale proceeds entirely by half tones.


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